Credit Card SwiperCredit Card transactions are getting popular among people. In almost all sorts shopping, people prefers to shop in the places where credit cards are accepted. If you are a merchant, you need to provide this convenience of using credit cards to your customers. And to accept such payments, businesses need to have Credit Card swiper as a part of their POS terminal. Credit card swipers allow you to accept all sort of credit cards, atm cards, business cards etc. and transfer the transaction data through the POS software installed in your system. Availability of a credit card swiper helps you increase sales as it gives you the flexibility of accepting payments from a lot of customers. Apply through CCMP today to have your own credit card swiper for your business. How it worksA credit card swiper is basically a magnetic reader which reads the necessary information printed in the back of the credit cards. After reading it, your POS software authorizes the card through secure internet connection and lets you proceed through the transaction. Types of SwipersCredit card swipers used in your POS terminal can be of several types. From standalone machines to small swiper units – you can choose any of them to meet your own purpose. We have a variety of machines for you to choose from. The few basic types of swipers that are available for you are listed below: USB type SwiperThis types of swipers are connected to you computer and are controlled by a POS software installed in your computer. Portable type SwiperFor businesses, where mobility is preferred, portable swiper can offer the best solution. Usually restaurants or hotels are the predominant users of such machines. Smart Phone based SwiperNowadays many phone manufacturer and service providers have come up with cell phone sets that can accept credit card payment like any traditional credit card swiper. Please not that, before accepting payments through your credit card swiper, you have to register with our merchant account service. Only then you will be able to facilitate credit card processing for your customers. If you want to start accepting credit card transaction from your customers soon, apply through CCMP for your total credit card processing solution. We offer you all sorts of credit card swipers at the cheapest rate. |